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Dear Future,

"I hope you have more good than bad in store for the year of 2022. That you are a year of showing the world the positivity that humankind can bring instead of the negative, instead of the depressing and disheartening. That you offer happiness, health, creativity, and fresh change. Challenges are welcome. As long as we have the resources, the means, to overcome them."

This is less of a prayer and more of a note left in the margins like many people have left before. But, every new year brings these notes, these wishes. 2022 isn't any different. And, for a long time now, a personal goal of mine has been to have a professional website, for my illustrations, for my writings, and for a chance to 'speak human'. Meaning, sharing my journey as an anthropologist as well as an artist.

If this website brings the creation of a shop for what I call 'Mysterious Cherry Creations' than that would be one fantastic outcome. Another, would be to simply have another way to engage with not just friends and family, but with complete strangers who stumble upon these posts. A way to forge new connections, new community.

So, if you are reading this and wondering whether you will visit again, if you are curious about what comes next, I encourage you to leave a comment here or send me a message under the 'Info' tab. You can just say 'hello!' or 'what's up?'. Or ask a deep philosophical question and start a discussion! A silly question can be equally effective!

I will just end this first official post to say: "Welcome and thank you."


Another Human"

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